Facebook Live is a game-changer. In the spur of a moment, you can broadcast to your herd of fans and followers from wherever you are (as long as you have an internet connection and a smart phone). A regular broadcast on Facebook Live keeps you top of mind with your followers and gives you the chance to spread your influence to the world. Very cool, right? So, why do lawyers suck at Facebook Live?
Almost all lawyers do Facebook Live horribly. As he holds up his camera phone, Mr. Lawyer begins his broadcast by mumbling something that is inaudible, rambles for a couple of minutes and then talks randomly about last night’s ballgame. Stop wasting our time! Lawyers suck at Facebook Live because they spend no time preparing for the broadcast and provide almost no value to their followers.
Make Your Live Broadcast a TV-Show
There is only one rule for Facebook Live: provide as much VALUE as quickly as possible. Make your live broadcast short and sweet and know, in advance, the key points. Interview an influential thought leader on Facebook Live about an issue that your fans care about and let your guest be the star. Your followers will love that you are using Facebook Live to inspire, motivate and provide valuable insights.
Mitch Jackson, Esq., an injury lawyer in Southern California, is a master of social media. Mitch uses his weekly live broadcast to interview non-lawyer guests about the dangers of texting and driving and teaches lawyers how to grow their practices through livestreaming. With his weekly live broadcasts about timely social issues, Mitch spreads his influence to the thousands and interviews high-profile guests, such as morning show host, Katie Couric and marketing gurus, Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuk.
The Dream Manager Program Explained!
Two weeks ago, I broadcast a live show with Infusionsoft’s Dream Manager, Dan Ralphs, about the Dream Manager Program (you can watch the video at Facebook.com/johnhfisherpc). During our interview, Dan Ralphs explained how the Dream Manager Program has the power to change the lives of your employees and motivate them to achieve goals/dreams that they never dreamt possible. To have cutting edge advice from the nation’s leading Dream Manager was incredible.
What did this accomplish? In less than two weeks, this Facebook Live broadcast has 4,606 views and was shared 47 times and the # of views continues to grow. Next, the video will be transferred to a DVD and become part of a Welcome Package (a/k/a “Shock & Awe”) for lawyers and non-lawyers.
How to Do Your First Live Broadcast
Let the experts show you how to do a live broadcast. Rob Hix, one of the nation’s top video editors and social media strategists, created the TV-style production of The Dream Manager Explained! Rob creates the promotional videos for the live broadcast, handles all of the technical aspects of the broadcast and walks you through each step in an easy to understand way. Rob Hix makes livestreaming a no-brainer for your law practice! For $500 for each show (everything included), you won’t do better.
You can reach Rob Hix at Enlightened Audio/Visual at Roberthix@me.com (703-859-1632).
photo credit: Visual Content Social Media Butterfly – Facebook via photopin (license)