"Everything you've been told about building
an injury law practice is wrong"

Measuring the Health of Your Law Firm

Are you operating a world class law firm, or just winging it? There’s only one way to find out.  Grade your law firm on a scale of 1 to 5 in the following categories (1 is weak and 5 is strong)*. Be honest.

#1:  Vision & Purpose: You have a clear vision/purpose in writing that has been communicated and shared by everyone in your law firm.

#2:  Core Values: Your core values are clear, well defined and known by your team members.

#3:  Long-Term Goals: You have a long-term goal (5 to 10 years) for your law firm and the goals are shared with your team members.

#4: Core Processes:  Your core processes are documented and followed.

#5:  Unique Value Proposition: Your Unique Value Proposition (what makes your law firm unique) is clearly articulated and known by your team.

#6:  Accountability Chart:  Your Accountability Chart (a/k/a growth chart) has specific roles and functions for everyone in your law firm.

#7:  Rocks:  Every team members has at least one rock, is focused on their rock(s) and there is a Scorecard for tracking weekly metrics/rocks.

#8:  Weekly/Daily Meetings: You are engaged in regular weekly (or ideally daily)/ meetings on the same date and time.

#9: Monitoring Your Budget: You have a budget and monitor it monthly.

Calculate the total number, divide by nine and calculate the percentage score. If you scored 65% or better, you’re doing much better than the average law firm and with a score of 80% or better, you’re a world class law firm.

*This “Organizational Checkup” is based, in part, upon criteria provided in Gino Wickman’s book, “Traction”.

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

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