About a year ago, I met a friend who I hadn’t seen in about a year. As soon as I saw him, it was obvious my friend had lost a lot of weight. My 40-year old friend went from 270 lbs. to about 205 lbs. in less than a year and the results were stunning. My friend went from appearing borderline obese (to be kind) to pretty close to slim and fit.
Trying not to be too intrusive, I eventually asked how my friend lost the weight, and his story revealed a secret to health and fitness that I will never forget. Of all places, it began at a mastermind meeting in Florida. My friend stated that he had a goal to lose a lot of weight, but had struggled for most of his life with obesity and had tried every gimmicky diet program with little success. Then, one of our mastermind members offered a unique solution.
The solution was simple. The two men promised to call each other every night at a specific time and discuss the effort that each made that day to limit their food intake and eat healthy meals. On a scale of 1 to 10, each would do a self-assessment of their effort for that day and they would track and share the results with others. Simple enough.
The Power of Daily Personal Accountability
Following the mastermind meeting, I had no idea if there had been any follow through and I gave the conversation no thought until a year later when I saw for myself the incredible results. Through the power of daily personal accountability, there had been a dramatic change in the course of a relatively young man’s health and fitness. There’s little question that years were added to my friend’s life.
Here’s the secret that was revealed: eating healthy is not a choice that is made weekly or even daily—it’s a choice that is made in every moment of the day, choice by choice. It’s great to have an accountability partner who will hold you accountable for the decisions you made, but the accountability must be daily. Otherwise, you will be tempted to take shortcuts with no repercussions.
If you have to report your success, or lack thereof, every day, you will be held accountable and there will be no room to hide. Personal daily accountability, my friend, is the secret to sustained weight loss.
A Solution that Will Work for You if You want to Lose Weight
A personal daily accountability program exists that can work for you—it’s called My Body Tutor (www.MyBodyTutor.com). Here’s how My Body Tutor works: you are assigned a tutor (a/k/a accountability partner), typically a personal trainer with experience in nutrition. On the website of My Body Tutor, you will track your food consumption, exercise, sleep, water intake and set goals for weight loss.
The daily personal accountability is what makes My Body Tutor special. At the end of each day, you report everything you’ve done that day—good or bad—on www.MyBodyTutor.com. The following morning, your tutor will evaluate the previous day’s report and call you to provide a critique of your food intake and the nutritional content of your food. Your tutor will monitor your sugar and sodium intake, give you a push when you need to exercise more and eat in moderation.
The website of My Body Tutor provides customized graphs that show your progress in weight loss, frequency of exercise, sleep patterns, water intake, and more. Your tutor will encourage, inspire and hold you accountable. There’s nothing like it.
Make Health Your #1 Priority
What’s more important than your health? If you’re not taking care of your health, you’re useless to your family, your spouse and your kids. But let’s face it, weight loss is damn hard. We’re all tempted to indulge at times and it’s hard to lose weight on a sustained basis without help.
Make a choice today to put your health first, and taking a look at My Body Tutor is a great place to start. And if you do, maybe a year from now, your friends will hardly recognize you.
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels