"Everything you've been told about building
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How to Avoid a Hiring Mistake

Hiring is damn hard. The candidates shine at their interviews and look great on paper. You’re tempted to hire the first candidate and get back to practicing law.

You don’t have to do this alone. There are resources that will help you identify the best candidates that are quick, easy and affordable. You’ll be investing a good chunk of $ on the candidate, so isn’t it worth a little extra research and time.

Here are a few tools that at your disposal:

Competency Testing: Jay Henderson, of Real Talent Hiring (RealTalentHiring.com), has a simple test (“Hiring MRI”) that measures skills, competencies, attitudes, and talent that helps identify how the candidate will perform in your law firm. The “Hiring MRI” asks the candidate to rank 18 items in order of their importance.

The “Hiring MRI” costs $250 for lower level positions and includes a 4-page risk analysis report and a follow up phone call with Jay Henderson to discuss the raw scores. 8 out 10 times, the Hiring MRI will identify risky hires. I highly recommend Jay!

Personality Testing: “Real Colors” (www.RealColors.org, 800-535-6366) is a personality assessment that identifies the personality traits of a candidate. The personality test asks a series of 10 incomplete sentences and the candidate is asked to end the phrase by selecting among 4 options.

The personality test identifies a candidate by one of four colors: Gold, Blue, Green and Orange.  A “Gold” person is dependable, organized, structured and needs stability and order, while an “Orange” person is free and spontaneous, takes risks and acts impulsively. The “Real Colors” test takes 15 minutes and is remarkably accurate in assessing personality.

You will have a much better of sense of the person you’re hiring with the “Real Colors” personality test.

Typing and Computer Testing: Have the candidate take an on-line typing test to check their proficiency in typing. Don’t just accept their word about the candidate’s typing (www.TypingTest.com) and computer skills—ask them to prove it with an online test.

photo credit: Looking for a job? via photopin (license)

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