A blog is a chance to express your unique viewpoint about an issue that you know more than anyone else. That’s right, the blog is your contribution to the world. Just think, what do you know better than anyone else? Once you’ve got this, you’ve found a vision for your blog. It’s just a matter of sharing your viewpoint and scaling your fan base.
A blog should focus on current topics of interest that are relevant in your community. Share your opinions and add value. 200-400 words per blog post are fine—less is more.
These are the 5 essentials for a killer blog post:
- Current,
- Local,
- Opinionated,
- Informative, and
- Brief.
#1: Current
A blog should focus on current events that everyone’s talking about, i.e., legal responsibility of the big drug companies for the opioid epidemic. Don’t blog about general topics (boring!)—blogs should focus on what’s happening RIGHT NOW. Find out what everyone’s talking about, such as the opioid crisis, and unleash your opinions.
#2: Local
Blog about issues that are relevant to your geographic region. A blog post about federal malpractice reform law is okay, but it’s better to focus on topics that are relevant in your state or local community (the search engines crave information about local issues), i.e., sanctions against the local nursing home for crappy treatment of elderly residents.
You can’t afford for the best ideas to remain buried inside you.
Dorie Clark, “Stand Out”
Blogging about a new “date of discovery” statute of limitations law in New York State, such as “Laverne’s Law”, is informative and interesting (at least for lawyers). But it’s better to focus your blog on a more regional topic, i.e., whether General Electric should be held responsible for dumping carcinogens in the gorgeous Hudson River.
#3: Opinionated
Be brash and bold in expressing your opinions. Who cares if you’re criticized—being politically correct is boring.
If you want to be known for your ideas, you need to share them: period.
Dorie Clark, Stand Out
In a recent article about best hiring practices for lawyers, I expressed the opinion that government employees should not interviewed. So kill me! Not surprisingly, I took a lot of heat for this opinion, but somehow I survived and just the record, a few lawyers agreed. Keep in mind, it’s better to be a hated authority/celebrity than obscure.
#4: Informative
Add as much value to your target audience as you can. Think, how can you be helpful to your followers?
You should always try to give value before you receive it.
Dorie Clark, “Stand Out”
Albany, New York lawyer, Patrick J. Higgins, Esq., mails a quarterly update about changes in the law of New York to his trial lawyer friends. Patrick adds value for his friends and stays top of mind with his referral partners. Very cool! Patrick’s quasi blog goes to the top of my reading list.
#5: Brief
Blogs are not meant to be books. Get to the point as quick as possible in 200-400 words.
Your Voice Deserves to be Heard
You have to be constantly thinking of new ways to expand your list of followers. Share your blog on social media and build a mini-cult of followers with an email newsletter. If you want to build your tribe fast, use Facebook ads to entice followers to sign up for your blog. In return for a free book/guide, your Facebook ad can be used to entice a targeted audience of your ideal clients.
Whether you grow your fan base organically or through Facebook ads (or both), one rule trumps all others: GET STARTED. Blog daily for 45 days and the search engines will reward you with website traffic and a loyal tribe of followers. Once your blog gets rolling, it can be used to promote your live events or a new book and with a little luck, you just might get a new case or two.
photo credit: christophe.benoit74 Blog via photopin (license)