"Everything you've been told about building
an injury law practice is wrong"

Case Budget of John H. Fisher, P.C.

PURPOSE: To determine whether the legal fee justifies the expense of litigation.

There are three categories of case expenses: (1) Pre-Lawsuit Expenses, (2) Discovery Expenses, and (3) Trial Expenses. The “Pre-Lawsuit Expenses” are incurred before the filing of the lawsuit.  The “Discovery Expenses” are incurred between the filing of the lawsuit and the filing of the note of issue, and the “Trial Expenses” are incurred between the filing of the note of issue and the completion of the trial.

The lawyer, paralegal, and secretary should prepare, review and sign the Case Budget before every lawsuit is filed. The total expenses of the Case Budget, the settlement value and the ratio of the legal fee to expenses should be entered in the Client/Retainer tab in Trialworks, and the Case Budget should be scanned into the Miscellaneous tab in Trialworks.

#1: Pre-Lawsuit Expenses

(Expenses Incurred Before Filing of Lawsuit)

Expert Witness Fee*: $_______

Medical Records Fees: $_______

Consultation Fee of Charles Gabelman, M.D.: $_______

*An expert witness should not be retained until we receive a written estimate of their fee and the expert confirms that he/she will not exceed the amount of the estimate without prior authorization from us.

#2: Discovery Expenses

(Expenses between the Filing of Lawsuit to Note of Issue)

Filing Fees: $_______

Process service Fees: $_______

Subpoena Fees: $_______

Medical Records—Photocopy Fees: $_______

Postage—Federal Express Fees: $_______

Fees of Consultant, Charles Gabelman, M.D.: $_______

Number of Depositions: _______

  • Stenographer fees for depositions: $_______
  • Videographer fees for depositions: $_______

Number of Expert Witnesses:_______

Treating Physician:_______

Medical Specialist:_______

Life Care Planner:_______



  • Review of File by Expert: $_______
  • Lawyer’s Meeting with Expert: $_______

TOTAL Expert Witness Fees*: $_______

#3: Trial Expenses

(Expenses between the Filing of the Note of Issue and Trial)

Expert Witness Fees:

Number of Expert Witnesses: ________

  • Transportation and Lodging: $_______
  • Review of File by Expert: $_______
  • Lawyer’s Meeting with Expert: $_______
  • Trial Testimony: $_______

TOTAL Expert Witness Fees*: $_______

Focus Group Expenses: $_______

Process Service Fees: $________

Subpoena Fees: $________

Fees of Consultant, Charles Gabelman, M.D.:  $_______

Editing Fees for Videotape Depositions: $_______

Video Playback of Videotape Depositions at Trial: $_______

Courtroom Exhibit Fees: $_______

Transportation, Meals and Lodging Expenses for Attorney: $_______

Transportation, Meals and Lodging Expenses for Paralegal: $_______

Court Reporter Fees for Trial Transcripts: $_______

Summary of Expenses

  • PRE-SUIT EXPENSES: $_______
  • TRIAL EXPENSES: $_______

TOTAL EXPENSES: $_________

Ratio of Legal Fee to Expenses

Settlement Value: $________

Total Legal Fee: $___________

Legal Fee to John H. Fisher, P.C.: $_______

Ratio of Legal Fee to Expenses:  _______

[Goal: Ratio of 10 to 1 for Legal Fee/Expenses]




John H. Fisher


Corina Skidmore


Alyssa Marcello

photo credit: Balancing The Account via photopin (license)

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