"Everything you've been told about building
an injury law practice is wrong"

How Your Website Can Be #1 on the Local Listings

The best place for your website to be found on the internet is not paid advertisements, or even a top ranking on organic search results—it’s local listings with Google Plus Local, Yahoo Local and Bing Places.  In the search results, the local listings appear below the pay-per-click advertisements and above the organic search results.  And even better, you don’t have to pay a penny to get a local listing for your website with Google, Yahoo and Bing—they’re FREE!

The key to getting the top placement on the local listings are reviews of you and your law firm.  Just to have a chance to be found near the top of the local listings, you must have at least 6 to 10 reviews of your law firm.

Are you still a skeptic? Just type “Groton Connecticut Dentistry” in a query on any of the search engines and you will find “Contemporary Dentistry” every single time at the very top of the first page of the local listings.  Why?  It’s simple, Contemporary Dentistry has 49 Google Reviews and the other dentists either have no reviews or just one or two.  Getting reviews for your law practice is the secret to getting to the top of the local listing and all it takes is a little effort on your part.

Getting Reviews on the Local Listings by Auto-Pilot

Reviews Accelerator, a cutting-edge internet company in Connecticut, creates a customized website just for reviews that makes it brain-dead easy for your clients to write reviews and post them on Google Plus Local, Yahoo Local and any other review website that you want, i.e., Yelp.   With a click of a button, your clients will be sent an email with a customized video thanking them for being a client and asking them for a review (and if they forget, they will get a couple of friendly video emails to remind them).  The reviews can be a voice, text or video.

Through Reviews Accelerator, you can even add a piece of code to every page of your website that will allow clients and friends to give a voice or video testimonial right from the webcam on their laptop or smartphone—how great is that?  What you’re doing is making the collection of reviews on the local listings simple and easy with a single click of a button.

Why Reviews are So Important to your Success

Remember, consumers don’t trust you, but they trust Joe Six-Pack and when you have strong testimonials on the local listings of Google, Yahoo and Bing, you don’t have to brag about your accomplishments—the reviews will do the talking for you.  New clients will hire you based upon your “reputation”, even though they’ve never met you.