"Everything you've been told about building
an injury law practice is wrong"

The Best Way to Kick-Start Your Lawyer Website in Only 45 Days

Want to kick-start your lawyer website in just six weeks?  Impossible, you say?  If you do only one thing for your website, you should hire a blogger to write valuable content for the blog on your website with a new post every single day.

Think of the search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) like crack addicts that are desperate for the next hit of new, valuable content from your website. If the search engines aren’t getting their crack hit from your website, they’ll go somewhere else…and your website won’t show up on online searches.  And a blog is the best way to give the search engines what they want.

The law firm of Daniel Rosen, P.C. in Colorado was invisible online until Rosen began a daily blog called, “Colorado Accident Law Blog” and began posting valuable new content about motorcycle safety tips and accident news.  Rather than spending money on mass marketing (i.e., TV, radio and billboards), Rosen invested his time and money on his blog and within six weeks, his website was on the first page of Google for “accident injury lawyer Denver” and “motorcycle accident Colorado”.  The daily blog posts are driving new clients to Rosen’s law firm every day—that’s the power of providing valuable, educational content through a blog!

But What the Hell Do you Blog About?

Listen to what people are saying about you and the news about accidents in your small community by signing up for google.com/alerts. It’s simple: you put your name in quotes and Google Alerts sends you an email whenever your name is mentioned online, or in blogs or social media. You can set up a separate email account just for Google Alerts.

If you want news about accident law in your community, you can create a Google News account that limits the news to your geographic region, i.e., within 20 miles of your town and if you want to follow blogs about accident law, you can create an account with Google Blogsearch (blogsearch.google.com).

You can listen to what people are saying about you or your competitors on Twitter through Twitter Alert.  You limit the Twitter conversations that you want to receive to those within 10 miles of your zip code.

How to Blog Like a Nut Without Taking All of Your Time

You can’t do this yourself—you’ll never get this done.  Pick a twenty-something staff member at your firm who is tech savvy and have her listen to social media and respond when your name is mentioned online.  Your staff member will be your new social media expert responding for you and getting interesting topics about accident law for your blogger. Now, you’re putting social media on autopilot!